AGI offers a virtual activity centre online for those unable to attend in-person programs. Sessions are led by Recreation Therapist and Activity Program Facilitator with enrichments through contributions by Art and Music Therapists.
Activity Centre
Who is this catered to?
People living with dementia
AGI’s Activity Centre offers the person living with dementia engaging activities while their family member benefits from respite. The centre honours each participant as a unique person beyond the diagnosis.
Activities are tailored to individual abilities and offered in a caring, non-judgmental environment, enhancing the quality of life for those who attend. Programming focuses on providing participants with a sense of belonging, improved quality of life, a feeling of productivity and empowerment, an opportunity to participate in leisure activities, and social inclusion in interacting with their peers.
Is a Social Group Right for Your Family Member?
Recreation Therapists design programs fostering group inclusion while catering to the physical, cognitive, social and emotional needs of each member. Activities are the tools they use to engage, practice, socialize and provide people living with dementia a feeling of purpose and autonomy.
The AGI Activity Centre has a team of recreation therapists and other professionals who develop and implement activities such as: strength and balance training, chair dancing, creative writing, discussion of ethical dilemmas and current events, trivia and more.
Open Minds, Open Hearts
A Pan-Canadian Campaign in Support of Dementia-Inclusive Communities
AGI participated in this project by welcoming students from The National Circus School online and in person, who provided playful yet practical activities interspersed with whimsical gymnastic performances. Activities such as juggling scarves, tossing and catching balls or aiming at targets both entertained and practiced dexterity and coordination by channeling their inner child.
Open Minds, Open Hearts is a Canada-wide research project with the goal of raising awareness and reducing stigma around dementia. This collaboration between three colleges intends to foster social cohesion by having students interact with people living with dementia and their care partners.
Although the degree of activity depended on the physical abilities of each group, the participants were happy to have guests who devoted such time to interacting with them, and reciprocated by asking questions and giving feedback to the student performers. Some participants remarked that they were reminded of childhood, and later shared stories of the day with their families. Overall, the circus had the participants feeling amused, engaged and youthful.
Welcoming the Spring Season
with Art & Music
The Monday Men’s Group showcased their talent with a vernissage of visual art followed by a concert for an audience of care partners and AGI staff. After practicing and creating together on a weekly basis, the group displayed collaborative and individual art and performed five songs to celebrate their creativity and camaraderie.
Thank you to AGI’s dedicated music therapist, art therapy interns, and recreation therapists.