Identifying "good treatment" practices for English-speaking seniors
Presented by: Darla Fortune

Time & Location
Apr 11, 2024, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Online via zoom
About The Event
Quebec’s second Action Plan against the Mistreatment of Older Adults (2017-2022) drew attention to the concept of “bientraitance” (good treatment) of older adults. The purpose of the research project is to better understand how good treatment is experienced by older, English-speaking adults who participate in the Senior Wellness Centres (SWC) Program supported by the Community Health and Social Services Network. Darla will share some findings from our research that help to identify what good treatment means to participants and what contributes most to their experience of good treatment. Implications for practice will also be discussed.
Darla Fortune, PhD, is an associate professor in the in the Department of Applied Human Sciences at Concordia University, Montreal, QC. Her research focuses on practices of inclusion, particularly within community leisure spaces, working toward enhancing experiences of belonging for individuals who may be at risk of being stigmatized and excluded. Darla’s recent work has focused on experiences of belonging for older adults in community spaces such as art hives, museums and community centres.